
Introducing DiTA, a database of Diagnostic Test Accuracy in physiotherapy produced by the PEDro Partnership

The PEDro Partnership is very excited to announce the launch of a new database. Called DiTA (for Diagnostic Test Accuracy), this database indexes articles evaluating the accuracy of diagnostic tests used by physiotherapists.

DiTA is designed to enable clinicians, researchers and patients to easily access information on the accuracy of diagnostic tests used by physiotherapists. DiTA is built on the same platform as PEDro. Unlike PEDro, which indexes evidence of the effects of physiotherapy interventions (randomised controlled trials, systematic reviews, and clinical practice guidelines), DiTA indexes evidence (primary studies and systematic reviews) of the accuracy of diagnostic tests relevant to physiotherapy. Like PEDro, DiTA will be freely accessible to all and, we hope, easy to use.

The DiTA web-site has three main elements: SEARCH, BROWSE, and LEARN. Soon you will be able to search the DiTA database to answer a clinical question. We are currently working hard to get the search interface online.

Soon you will be able to BROWSE to view the latest articles in DiTA. This will operate in a similar way to PEDro’s Evidence in your inbox – you can sign up to receive the most recent studies and reviews each time DiTA is updated. We have started collecting subscriptions for DiTA’s Evidence in your inbox.

You can LEARN more about diagnostic tests in physiotherapy by taking one of the DiTA tutorials. Two tutorials are now available: “Is this study valid?” and “How can I use evidence of diagnostic test accuracy?”.

You may be interested in reading a recent editorial published in the Journal of Physiotherapy that provides more information about DiTA:

Kaizik MA, et al. DiTA: a database of diagnostic test accuracy studies for physiotherapists. J Physiother 2019;65(3):119-120

#PhysicalTherapy #physio

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